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Hitlers Bunker in Berlin

Hitlers Bunker in Berlin

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The Story of Hitlers Bunker in Berlin explains the rather complex relationship between the Germans and their own past in a simple parking lot. Triggering your imagination, this particular bunker was the place where Hitler finally took his own life.

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The Brandenburg Gate in Berlin

The Brandenburg Gate in Berlin

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The Brandenburg Gate (Brandenburger Tor) is one of the most important monuments in Berlin and perhaps the most famous in Germany. Undoubtedly, this is a must for those visiting the German capital and is, of course, an integral part of our guided tours of Berlin in English.

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Checkpoint Charlie

Checkpoint Charlie

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Checkpoint Charlie is definitely one of those places in Berlin that always leave you a little confused. A corner where hundreds of visitors and groups accompanied by tourist guides stop to try to imagine what was, in a given moment, the hottest place in the Cold War.

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Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp Memorial

Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp Memorial

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The German National Socialist dictatorship led by Adolf Hitler gave rise to one of the most infamous chapters of twentieth-century history and of all of humanity. An unprecedented government of brutality, cruelty, and dehumanization, marked by repression, murder, war, and genocide. A visit to the Memorial is a must if you want to explore the darker aspects of the Nazi dictatorship. You can visit independently or join one of our guided tours of the Sachsenhausen Memorial.